Weather in Altea in October

October in Altea, a picturesque coastal town located in the province of Alicante, Spain, is a time of pleasant transition, marking the shift from the hot Mediterranean summer to the milder winter. This period is characterized by comfortable temperatures, decreased rainfall, and an overall inviting climate, making it an excellent time for tourists and locals to enjoy the town's outdoor attractions without the peak summer crowds.

Temperature Overview

The average temperature in Altea during October ranges from a mild 18°C to a comfortable 24°C (64°F to 75°F). The warmest part of the day is typically early afternoon, while cooler temperatures are experienced during early mornings and late evenings. The sea temperature also remains warm enough for swimming, typically hovering around 22°C (72°F), which is ideal for water sports and beach activities.

Climatic Conditions

October is significantly drier than the preceding summer months. The average rainfall in Altea during this month is about 66 mm, and it typically rains on six to eight days throughout the month. These rainfall events are often short-lived and followed by clear skies, providing a fresh and invigorating atmosphere. The reduced precipitation combined with the mild temperatures makes October one of the best months to visit Altea.

The humidity in October can vary but is generally comfortable, rarely feeling oppressively humid. This is due to the moderating effect of the Mediterranean Sea, which helps maintain a balanced climate in the coastal area.

Wind and Sunlight

Wind conditions in Altea during October are generally mild, with occasional moderate breezes coming from the east or northeast. These breezes not only contribute to the pleasant climate but also enhance air quality and clarity, offering stunning views of the natural surroundings.

Daylight hours begin to decrease as October progresses, with the town experiencing about 11 hours of daylight at the beginning of the month and approximately 10 hours by the end of the month. The sun sets earlier each day, gradually adjusting from summer's late evenings to the earlier nights of the approaching winter.

What to Wear

Visitors to Altea in October should prepare for a range of temperatures. Daytime attire can include light, breathable clothing suitable for warmer afternoons, such as T-shirts, light trousers, or shorts. For evenings, it is advisable to have a sweater or a light jacket, as temperatures can feel cooler, especially near the sea. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended for exploring the town's cobblestone streets and hiking nearby trails.

Activities and Events

October's pleasant weather supports a variety of outdoor activities. The beaches are less crowded than in summer, providing a more relaxed atmosphere for sunbathing, swimming, and water sports. Hiking and cycling are popular, with several trails offering panoramic views of the coastline and the rugged Sierra de Bernia mountains.

Cultural events also take place in October, including local festivals and art exhibitions. The less crowded streets allow for a more immersive experience in exploring Altea’s rich historical heritage, from its picturesque old town with whitewashed houses to its famous blue-domed church.

Tips for Travelers

Travelers should keep an eye on the weather forecast to better plan their activities, especially those involving outdoor excursions. Although the weather is generally stable, occasional rainy days can occur, and being prepared with an umbrella or a waterproof jacket is advisable.

For those interested in photography or nature, October offers a unique palette of colors with softer sunlight and vibrant sunsets, ideal for capturing the beauty of Altea. Additionally, the local cuisine can be enjoyed at its best, with seasonal produce and seafood being abundantly available.


Altea in October is a destination that offers a tranquil yet enriching experience. The weather is favorable, with mild temperatures and minimal rainfall, enhancing the enjoyment of both natural landscapes and cultural activities. For those seeking a quieter yet vibrant time to visit the Mediterranean coast, October in Altea is an excellent choice, combining good weather, fewer tourists, and a variety of activities that cater to different interests. Whether it is lounging on the beaches, exploring cultural sites, or engaging in outdoor activities, Altea in October provides a perfect backdrop for an unforgettable holiday.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The average temperature in Altea during October typically ranges between 18°C to 24°C (64°F to 75°F)

Yes, the sea temperature in October is usually around 22°C (72°F), which is comfortable for swimming and other water activities

October sees relatively low rainfall in Altea, with an average of 66 mm spread over 6 to 8 days, making it drier than the summer months

It's advisable to pack light, breathable clothing for the day and a sweater or light jacket for cooler evenings. Don’t forget swimwear and comfortable shoes for walking

October is ideal for beach activities, hiking, cycling, exploring the old town, and participating in local cultural events due to the pleasant weather and fewer crowds

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