Altea in January

Weather in Altea in January

Altea, a picturesque town on Spain's Costa Blanca, experiences mild winter weather compared to much of Europe, making it a favored destination for those looking to escape harsher winter climates. January, being the coldest month in Altea, still offers temperate weather conditions that are relatively pleasant, especially when compared to northern Europe or North America. In this article, we will delve into the typical weather patterns in Altea during January, including temperature averages, precipitation levels, and daylight hours, as well as provide tips for visitors and discuss how the weather impacts local activities.

Temperature Averages

In January, Altea experiences its coldest weather of the year, but the temperatures are mild compared to colder climates. The average high temperature during this month is around 16°C (61°F), while the average low dips to about 7°C (45°F). These temperatures are quite mild, allowing for enjoyable outdoor activities during the day. The evenings and early mornings can feel chilly, particularly when the wind picks up, so it’s advisable to pack layers.

Precipitation and Humidity

January is not particularly rainy in Altea, but it is one of the wetter months of the year compared to the arid summer months. The town receives an average of 35 mm (1.38 inches) of rain in January, typically spread over about 5 days throughout the month. This means that while there might be some rainy days, they are generally interspersed with dry days. Humidity levels are comfortable, rarely feeling oppressive, which enhances the overall pleasantness of the winter weather.

Wind and Storms

The wind in Altea during January can be a noticeable feature. Occasional gusty days occur due to the region’s geographical position between the mountains and the sea. These winds are generally northerly, bringing cooler air from the inland. Although storms are rare in winter, when they do happen, they can be accompanied by stronger winds and heavier rainfall, though these are usually brief.

Daylight Hours

January days in Altea are short, with the town experiencing around 9 to 10 hours of daylight. Sunrise typically occurs around 8:00 AM, and sunset is around 6:00 PM. The limited daylight hours mean that outdoor activities are usually concentrated in the middle of the day. However, the quality of light during this time is often crisp and clear, providing excellent conditions for photography, particularly of the scenic coastline and historic architecture.

Sea Temperatures

For those interested in marine activities, it's important to note that the sea temperature in January is quite cool, averaging around 14°C (57°F). While this may be suitable for some hardy swimmers, most will find it too cold for comfortable swimming. However, the beaches still offer beautiful walks and the opportunity for other activities like beachcombing or coastal hiking.

Tips for Visitors

Visitors to Altea in January should prepare for a range of weather conditions. Packing should include warm clothing, such as sweaters and jackets, especially for the cooler evenings. Waterproof gear might be necessary, depending on the forecast. Despite the cooler temperatures, it’s also wise to bring sunscreen, as the sun can still be strong during the day, particularly for those not accustomed to it.

Comfortable footwear is essential, as Altea's old town has many cobblestone streets that can be slippery when wet. Additionally, exploring the hilly terrain on foot is one of the best ways to experience the town's charm.

Local Activities in January

January in Altea is quieter than the bustling summer months, offering a more relaxed atmosphere. It's a great time to explore cultural sites without the crowds, such as the famous church of La Mare de Déu del Consol, known for its picturesque blue and white domes. Local festivals in January are sparse, but the celebration of the New Year and the Three Kings Day (Día de los Reyes Magos) on January 6th provide some festive cheer.

The cooler weather is also conducive to outdoor sports such as golfing, hiking in the nearby Sierra de Bernia, and cycling. The less crowded streets and paths make these activities particularly enjoyable.


Altea in January offers a calm and mild winter retreat compared to many other European destinations. With its gentle climate, limited rainfall, and serene atmosphere, it provides a perfect escape for those seeking tranquility or a slower-paced holiday. Whether strolling through the historic old town, exploring natural landscapes, or simply enjoying the scenic views, Altea in January is a charming destination that combines the allure of winter with the promise of spring just around the corner.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

In January, Altea typically has an average high of 16°C (61°F) and an average low of 7°C (45°F)

January sees about 35 mm (1.38 inches) of rain spread across roughly 5 days of the month

Yes, January is great for outdoor activities like hiking and golfing, thanks to mild temperatures and less crowded attractions

The sea temperature averages around 14°C (57°F) in January, which might be too cold for most swimmers

Exploring cultural sites, enjoying scenic walks along the beach, and participating in local events like the Three Kings Day are popular January activities

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