
Walking Tours in Altea: Discovering the Town’s Hidden Treasures

Altea, a picturesque town located on Spain’s Costa Blanca, is renowned for its charm, beauty, and tranquility. The cobblestone streets, whitewashed houses, and a panoramic view of the Mediterranean create a serene yet vibrant atmosphere that attracts visitors from all over the world. One of the best ways to truly immerse yourself in the magic of Altea is through a walking tour. This article will guide you through various walking tours in Altea, highlighting the town's hidden treasures and offering tips to make the most of your journey.

1. Exploring the Old Town

The heart of Altea's allure lies in its Old Town (Casco Antiguo). A walking tour here starts from the main square, Plaza del Ayuntamiento, where the town hall is situated. This area is filled with artisan shops, quaint cafes, and small galleries. As you meander through the narrow, winding streets, you will come across the iconic blue-domed church, Parroquia Nuestra Señora del Consuelo. The church is not only a spiritual center but also a vantage point offering breathtaking views of the coastline and mountains.

Stroll down the picture-perfect alleyways adorned with vibrant flowers and artistic murals. These streets host a variety of local artists and craftsmen whose studios you can visit to see them at work and perhaps purchase unique, handmade souvenirs. The Old Town is also famous for its numerous viewpoints or "miradores" from which you can admire stunning sea vistas and sunsets.

2. Discovering the Greenway (El Paseo Verde)

For nature lovers, the Greenway offers a refreshing change of scenery from the bustling beachfront and town center. This route was formerly a railway line that has been converted into a walking and cycling path. The trail stretches from Altea to Callosa d’En Sarrià and is lined with Mediterranean flora such as orange, lemon, and almond trees.

The walk is relatively easy, making it suitable for all ages and fitness levels. Along the way, you encounter several natural springs, old train stations, and panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and orchards. This walking tour is a wonderful way to experience the rural side of Altea and enjoy the tranquility of its landscape.

3. Beachfront Promenade

Altea's beachfront promenade is perfect for those who prefer a leisurely stroll by the sea. Starting from the bustling port with its array of boats and yachts, the promenade stretches along the coastline, dotted with sculptures, playgrounds, and benches where you can sit and enjoy the cool sea breeze.

The promenade is flanked by a variety of restaurants and bars offering delicious local and international cuisine. Indulge in some seafood paella or sip on a glass of sangria while watching the waves. The promenade is also the venue for various cultural events and markets, providing a taste of local life and traditions.

4. The Lighthouse Route

For the adventurous, the lighthouse route is a must. This challenging trail leads to the iconic lighthouse of Altea, situated on a cliff overlooking the sea. The path climbs steadily, offering increasingly spectacular views of the town and the bay. The lighthouse itself is not open to the public, but the journey and the views are well worth the effort.

This route is best undertaken in the cooler hours of the morning or late afternoon to avoid the midday sun. Ensure you have good walking shoes, water, and sun protection.

5. Art and Culture Tour

Altea is a hub for artists and creatives, making an art-focused walking tour an enriching experience. Visit the Faculty of Fine Arts, part of Miguel Hernández University, where you can see exhibitions of student and faculty work. Numerous galleries throughout the town showcase contemporary and traditional art, providing insight into the vibrant cultural life of Altea.

Additionally, the town hosts several festivals throughout the year, such as the Altea Film Festival and various music and dance performances. These events offer a fantastic opportunity to experience local and international art forms.

Tips for Enjoying Your Walking Tour

  • Wear comfortable walking shoes as the streets can be steep and uneven.
  • Always carry water, especially during the summer months, as it can get quite hot.
  • Check local tourism offices for guided tour schedules which can provide deeper historical and cultural insights.
  • Visit during the off-peak seasons (spring and fall) to avoid the crowds and experience the town at a more relaxed pace.


Walking tours in Altea provide a unique way to explore this charming town, revealing its hidden treasures and offering unforgettable experiences. Whether you are interested in history, nature, art, or just looking for a peaceful stroll, Altea has something special to offer.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The best times to visit Altea for walking tours are during the spring and fall seasons when the weather is mild and the town is less crowded

Yes, Altea offers various guided walking tours that cover historical, cultural, and natural sights. These tours provide in-depth information and can be booked through the local tourism office or private tour operators

While Altea’s Old Town has many steep and narrow streets, there are accessible routes available. However, it's advisable to check specific routes in advance for suitability

Most outdoor walking paths and promenades in Altea are pet-friendly, but it’s important to keep your dog on a leash and ensure that pets are allowed in public spaces like beaches and parks during your visit

Comfortable walking shoes are essential due to the cobblestone streets and uneven paths. Additionally, bring water, sunscreen, and a hat to protect against the sun, especially in the warmer months

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