Murcia Airport

How to Get to Altea from Murcia Airport

Altea, a charming and picturesque town on Spain's Costa Blanca, is known for its whitewashed houses, pebbled beaches, and vibrant cultural scene. If you're flying into Murcia Airport (also known as Región de Murcia International Airport) and heading to Altea, you're in for a scenic journey. This guide will provide detailed options to help you travel from Murcia Airport to Altea, whether you prefer driving, public transportation, or shuttle services.

Option 1: Driving from Murcia Airport to Altea

Renting a car is a convenient option for travelers looking for flexibility and speed. Murcia Airport hosts several car rental agencies, and you can book a vehicle in advance or upon arrival. Here's how to drive from Murcia Airport to Altea:

  1. Exit the Airport: From the airport, follow the signs to the RM-16. This road merges with the AP-7, which is your primary route to Altea.
  2. Follow the AP-7: The AP-7 is a toll road that runs along the coast. It's the fastest route to Altea, offering beautiful views of the Mediterranean Sea. The journey is approximately 120 kilometers and takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes.
  3. Exit the AP-7: You will need to take exit 64 towards Altea. From there, follow the signs directing you into the town.
  4. Arrive in Altea: Once in Altea, you can navigate to your specific destination using local signs or a GPS.

Driving allows you to explore the coastal scenery at your own pace, with the flexibility to stop at other picturesque towns like Alicante or Calpe.

Option 2: Public Transportation

Public transport is an economical but slower option. The journey involves multiple changes and can take several hours, depending on connections.

  1. Bus from Murcia Airport to Murcia Bus Station: First, take a bus from Murcia Airport to the main bus station in Murcia. Buses are timed to coincide with flight arrivals and the journey takes about 45 minutes.
  2. Bus from Murcia to Alicante: From Murcia bus station, catch a bus to Alicante. This leg of the trip takes approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes.
  3. Bus from Alicante to Altea: In Alicante, transfer to another bus heading to Altea. The final leg will take about an hour.

Although this option is budget-friendly, it requires careful planning to ensure smooth connections between different services.

Option 3: Shuttle Services

Shuttle services offer a middle ground between public transport and private car rental. These services provide pre-booked seats on minibuses or coaches and are a popular choice for travelers looking for a direct route without the hassle of driving.

  1. Book in Advance: It’s advisable to book your shuttle service in advance, especially during peak tourist season. Several companies offer direct routes from Murcia Airport to Altea.
  2. Meet and Greet: On arrival, you’ll meet the shuttle service at a designated spot in the airport. These are usually clearly marked.
  3. Direct to Altea: The shuttle will take you directly to Altea, with a travel time of around 1 hour and 30 minutes depending on traffic and the specific drop-off points.

Shuttle services are a stress-free option that combines the convenience of a direct route with the affordability of public transport.

Option 4: Taxi or Private Transfer

For the utmost convenience and flexibility, consider booking a taxi or a private transfer. While this is the most expensive option, it offers direct and comfortable travel from Murcia Airport to your accommodation in Altea.

  1. Finding a Taxi: Taxis are available at the airport. Ensure that the taxi is licensed and agree on the fare before starting your journey.
  2. Book a Private Transfer: Alternatively, you can book a private transfer service online. This service can be tailored to your schedule and specific needs, such as additional luggage space or a luxury vehicle.

Taxis and private transfers are especially useful if you're traveling with a lot of luggage, with family, or arriving late at night.

Additional Tips

  • Check the Weather: The Costa Blanca enjoys a Mediterranean climate, but it's always good to check the weather forecast before traveling.
  • Plan Your Route: Regardless of your mode of transportation, have a clear plan. Consider printing out directions or saving them offline on your mobile device.
  • Spanish Etiquette: Learning a few phrases in Spanish can go a long way in enhancing your travel experience.


Whether you choose the autonomy of driving, the economy of public transportation, the convenience of a shuttle, or the comfort of a taxi, traveling from Murcia Airport to Altea is straightforward and scenic. Each option offers a different balance of cost, convenience, and time efficiency, allowing you to start your visit to Altea in a way that suits your preferences.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The fastest way to reach Altea from Murcia Airport is by driving. The journey typically takes about 1 hour and 20 minutes via the AP-7 toll road

Yes, you can use public transportation by taking a bus from Murcia Airport to Murcia Bus Station, then a bus to Alicante, and another bus to Altea. This option requires multiple transfers

Yes, shuttle services are available. It's recommended to book in advance, especially during the tourist season, to ensure availability

The cost of a taxi from Murcia Airport to Altea can vary based on traffic and specific drop-off location. It is advisable to agree on a fare with the driver beforehand or book a private transfer

Consider factors such as cost, convenience, travel time, and your personal schedule. Each transportation option offers a different balance of these elements

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